Privacy Policy

Protection of personal data

In order to provide the best possible experience, quality informative content, access to specific information such as resources and tutorials, the visitor to the site may be required to fill in forms. The information collected is then subject to computer processing made necessary to ensure sales and marketing follow-up. The recipients of the data are exclusively people working for the painter Philippe Lagrange.

In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting our support department, via this form . You can also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) coming into force on May 25, 2018, define the principles to be observed when collecting, processing and storing personal data. They also guarantee the rights of data subjects.

Our site offers several forms to collect visitor data.


The purpose of collecting data on our site is to create a management file for our company’s prospects and customers. Our file is used to contact and offer our content to people who want it.

All our forms are for either a contact request or a request for resources (our newsletters)

Data relevance

In order to better follow the interest shown by prospects and customers of Philippe Lagrange, the file collects all information from visitors to the site relating to identity, professional information and its activity on the site. In accordance with the Data Protection Act, information relating to racial or ethnic origins, political, philosophical or religious opinions, trade union membership, health or sex life of a person is not collected and is prohibited. (sensitive data).

Lawfulness of processing and conditions applicable to consent (art.6 and art.7 of the GDPR)

Consent to the processing of a visitor’s personal data is systematically obtained for one or more specific purposes. For example, when entering a newsletter subscription form or downloading a resource, the purpose of obtaining the visitor’s email address is to send him a notification when new publications are made or to suggest resources that may be of interest.

Data retention

The data collected on the site is kept for a maximum of 12 months for anonymous contacts, after the last activity on the website by the person. On the other hand, for identified contacts, the data collected on the site are kept for a maximum period of 36 months. At the end of these periods, all data relating to the person is automatically deleted.

Rights of individuals (art.16 to 20 of the GDPR)

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR, all persons can exercise their right of access, rectification, opposition, limitation of processing, deletion and portability of data concerning them by making the request by mail. signed and accompanied by a copy of an identity document at the address given in the legal notice.

The person in charge of the file, Hervé Angelot, will respond no later than one month following the request for access or rectification.

Data security and processing (art.32 of the GDPR)

The data collected on the site is hosted by the company Mailjet. Only people linked to the technical, marketing and commercial department of Philippe Lagrange have access to the information collected on the site, via a personal identifier unique to the Mailjet platform.

Data breach and communication within 72 hours (art.33 and art.34 of the GDPR)

In the event of a violation or suspected violation of personal data, Philippe Lagrange and its subcontractors will notify the CNIL, 72 hours at the latest, after having become aware of it.